Oral Presentation Australian Freshwater Sciences Society Conference 2024

Zooplankton in the Darling-Baaka River: current community structure and implications for river health (112908)

Tsuyoshi Kobayashi 1 , Kathryn Korbel 1 , Jaydon King 1 , Angus Ferguson 1
  1. NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Lidcombe, NSW, Australia

The Darling-Baaka River is one of the major inland rivers of Australia. The river is subjected to various natural and human influences. A mass fish death event occurred in the river near Menindee during the summer of 2023. As part of an ecological study of the Darking-Baaka River, zooplankton samples were collected in the river between Wilcannia and Wentworth during May and June in 2024. In this talk, we present preliminary results of species diversity and density of zooplankton and compare the results with historical data to see if there are any significant changes in the current zooplankton community structure in the river. Discussions are made in relation to the indicator values of zooplankton in assessing the river health.