Aboriginal people, their knowledge and perspectives are under-represented in native fish (freshwater) science and management. A poor understanding of Aboriginal cultural knowledge systems and a lack of applied practice demonstrating how to pair Aboriginal knowledge, stories and perspectives with Western scientific and management practice are additional barriers. Consequently, First Nations knowledge and perspectives are a gap in understanding of native fish, aquatic ecology, and our practice as fisheries managers.
The Culture, Fish and Flows project explores the relationship between Gomeroi culture and Western science as expressed in the Fish and Flows Framework. The objectives were to develop: a culturally appropriate methodology to pair local cultural knowledge, experience, perspectives, and values with the Fish and Flows Framework; flow related cultural objectives for native fish maintenance, conservation, and recovery; and a Case Study for the community.
Fifteen members of the Gomeroi community from the Peel River enrolled as research participants in a Qualitative Collaborative Inquiry process. The group comprised Traditional Custodians, Elders, junior and senior people. Workshops were held on country and in places of value to community members. NSW DPIRD obtained AIATSIS ethics approval before commencing.
The project demonstrates how cultural knowledge and perspectives, community led priorities, and their aspirations can be represented in fisheries management. The Case Study presents a Gomeroi ontological framework outlining cultural aspirations and articulates Gomeroi peoples’ cultural responsibility to care for Country and how this connects to native fish and river management. A series of pathway projects were identified. These represent future options for engagement with Gomeroi people. Further opportunities to explore cultural and scientific perspectives through Dhii relationships and hydrology, with questions led by Gomeroi people, are identified. A series of additional benefits for the Gomeroi community, strengthening the cultural capacity of representative through knowledge and ensuring scientific knowledge is culturally appropriate, were realised.